Frequently Asked Questions
NanoSlic® is a polymer stencil coating designed to reduce underside cleaning cycles and improve solder transfer efficiency.
NanoSlic® is applied to the aperture walls and underside of the stencil and provides a hydrophobic and oleophobic surface. This prevents solder paste from adhering to the stencil where this coating is applied. The benefits of this include minimized bridging, reduced underside cleaning cycles and improved solder paste release. Solder paste volumes are increased dramatically when NanoSlic® is used.
NanoSlic® is a thermally cured polymer which is thicker than conventional Nano-coatings. The most common Nano-coatings are wiped onto the stencil. The NanoSlic® coating is several microns thick. It is a very durable and chemically resistant coating.
The aperture length and width are reduced by the coating thickness, but the stencil thickness is increased by the NanoSlic® thickness. The net change in aperture opening size and the increase in thickness from the coating is very small (< 5%). NanoSlic® does however increase the printed paste volume due to superior paste transfer efficiency. This more than compensates for the slight reduction in aperture size.
The coating has been designed to bond to the stencil. Harsh printing conditions can reduce the life of the coating.
Yes. NanoSlic® coatings are designed to be permanent. To be fully removed chemical stripping or physical sanding will be necessary.
Yes. To be fully removed chemical stripping or physical sanding will be necessary
Most cleaning chemistries are compatible with NanoSlic®. However, higher pH (>11) cleaning chemicals can damage the coating over time. A list of recommended cleaning chemicals is available on the technical data sheet.
The coating is non-ionic and chemically inert and becomes part of the flux residue around the solder joint. If water soluble solder paste is used, the coating would easily wash away with the flux. If no clean solder paste is used, then the coating becomes an inert part of the flux residue.
The coating is non-toxic and is compliant with RoHS, RoHS2 and REACH regulations.
Yes, NanoSlic® is easy to see on the stencil, so you know it is there and functional. Wipe-on Nano-coatings are typically invisible and consequently it is hard to tell when they quit working.
NanoSlic® cannot be reapplied to a previously coated stencil.
Yes and No. The stencil must be completely cleaned of all solder paste residues, but we recommend applying to a freshly cut and cleaned stencil to ensure a proper bond.
Yes, NanoSlic® coating increases the lead time by one day.
Yes. It develops 5B adhesion level according to ASTM specification D3359 Cross-Hatch.
NanoSlic® coatings are typically applied 2-4 micron dry film thickness when sprayed.
Yes. Because of its hydrophobic properties and silicon-based polymer, NanoSlic® coatings provide excellent corrosion protection over most metallic surfaces.
NanoSlic® will cure at room temperature after 1 day.